Found this little beauty on their web site discussion board. It is truly frightening and I can't help but empathize with my American brothers. You have to read this ditty about a rant by a feminist on two states non acceptance of IMBRA:
The International Marriage Broker Regulation Act is being upheld by restraining orders in two states. We really need to rally behind Layli Miller-Muro ( and show support. All could be lost if an injunction is achieved. Its actually shameful that a battle in the gender war has reached federal court. The real irony is that the fight is over how American men are allowed to communicate with "non-feminist" foreign women.
I work with a guy who has a Filipina wife. Just interacting with him on the job, I see he has some anal, control freak ways and before I even met his wife, I figured she was Asian (honestly, I've been batting 1000 in picking out the creepy white dudes I work with whom I know are too ugly or wierd to attract a modern American wife). Upon seeing her, everything in me just screamed "pedophile!" She may be older than she looks but she carries herself and talks like a little girl. Obviously without much else to do besides cater to him, she is constantly in the office sitting in our breakroom reading magazines or writing letters like she is in after school care - waiting for him to get off work. She tried to engage a group of us in conversation once and he yelled at her over something inane. I walked out in disgust. As a black female, I have no doubt in my mind that 200 years ago, he would have been slinking out to the slave quarters to rape slave women. Today these same creeps just have to go trolling third world countries. What is really gross is that my short, fat, rude and ignorant manager just returned from a vacation in the Philippines. Given some of the tasteless comments he's made in the past, I can only imagine what he did most of the time he was there ... It's so common out here that I try not to even look when I see some of those couples. It almost frightens me. YUCK!
The kind of man who uses these services may be a bit sketchy (understatement), but the woman involved presumably has few choices, all of which are sufficiently bad that marrying a stranger in a foreign country seems attractive. I'm guessing that the women who sign up for these services have poor marriage prospects at home, so that their options are to marry a third world asshole or a developed world guy who may or may not be an asshole. I know men who have married through this process, and they treat their wives poorly by American standards (in terms of expecting them to be 1950s style homemakers), but very well indeed by the standards expected of a wife in the woman's home country.
All of the above is 100% true. Usually these women (if they survive), stay just long enough to acquire citizenship and then leave, so there is a bit of usage on either side ... think I'd rather die in abject poverty ... more power to them.
There was an interesting article in my local "alternative" weekly about a tour set for american (mostly middle aged) men to find Thai wives. I thought it should be renamed the misogyny tour. Pretty much everything these men said was misogynistic and a lot of it was pretty racist as well.
I mean, seriously, we're talking about people buying people - this isn't about the pool of men in economically exploited countries, this is about money and the fact that, while people are starving, other people can exploit them to no end.
Keep your daydreaming. Women will get more power and be stronger, that is what is happening and will be the future as well. If you cannot put up with the reality, just kill yourself - it is not loss of the world anyways.
Well first, you register to vote. Go to to register online. That's ''. Then forward the link to all of your girlfriends and be sure to vote November 2nd. Remember, women are 51% of the population. So when we vote, we have the power to change the world.
are ya scared yet???
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Thursday, October 19, 2006
Every business has own business model and dating business has it too. If you think that dating business is all about forcing you to pay for the contact, you are wrong. In this article we will tell you some secrets of russian dating business model.
Let’s start from identifying the differences between American and International dating business models. The difference is obvious - western men are seeking foreign women and vice versa as opposed to local dating.
Foreign Women Don’t Pay: Aside from the glaring fact that most foreign women cannot afford agencies or monthly dating fees Western dating services are paid by both males and females because membership is not gender advantageous. International dating agencies are another story altogether. Foreign women don’t pay for online services because in the FSU or Asia or Latin America the women are goods and western males are buyers. The more goods you have on your site the more profit you’ll generate – that’s how russian dating agencies works. It's all supply and demand.
Given the above membership information, when foreign women join a dating site the site will provide her with all the site features but limit the men's functionality until he pays a full membership. Not a trickery by any means but the only way for a site to earn a living. That being said if trhe site owns several different websites make sure that all the websites follow the same billing program.
Fake Incoming Mail: After joining a dating site you’ll start to receive incoming email from ladies but until you pay you won't be able to read them. This may appear to be someone interested in you but there is a good chance it is from either a scammer or a girl working for the site trying to peak your interest. You have to be careful and ensure that you are dealing with a reputable site.
I have always believed that some International dating services especially small dating agencies use some kind of spamming technology which sends email to randomly selected members profiles. Incoming text letters are usually is just a “hello” text or a ladie's profile description. Be aware of this practice
Scammers are welcome: Scamming in International dating is a huge problem and all dating sites swear up and down that they fight scammers. Sure they fight with scam activity but from the other side they partially support it by accepting “questionable” profiles. It’s impossible to check every ladies address especially in larger cities.
Scams are a part of International dating and most dating agencies use scammer profiles to make their search results better. Yes they delete the profiles but then accept them again under aother nickname (read part one).
Real translation cost is not $20 per page: Some International dating services offer translation services for their clients and charge for this service by saying that translation costs in that country are about $20-40. The real cost of A4 paper sheet translation from English to Russian is about $5-10, all other costs goes to agency profit.
These are the most common techniques International dating sites use to increase their profits and you should know about them to stay safe in this dangerous online dating world.
If you are a male over thirty visit The International Man Site at and have a few laughs. We have ladies, cars, sports, helath, poker, games and don't forget to join the Forum.
Let’s start from identifying the differences between American and International dating business models. The difference is obvious - western men are seeking foreign women and vice versa as opposed to local dating.
Foreign Women Don’t Pay: Aside from the glaring fact that most foreign women cannot afford agencies or monthly dating fees Western dating services are paid by both males and females because membership is not gender advantageous. International dating agencies are another story altogether. Foreign women don’t pay for online services because in the FSU or Asia or Latin America the women are goods and western males are buyers. The more goods you have on your site the more profit you’ll generate – that’s how russian dating agencies works. It's all supply and demand.
Given the above membership information, when foreign women join a dating site the site will provide her with all the site features but limit the men's functionality until he pays a full membership. Not a trickery by any means but the only way for a site to earn a living. That being said if trhe site owns several different websites make sure that all the websites follow the same billing program.
Fake Incoming Mail: After joining a dating site you’ll start to receive incoming email from ladies but until you pay you won't be able to read them. This may appear to be someone interested in you but there is a good chance it is from either a scammer or a girl working for the site trying to peak your interest. You have to be careful and ensure that you are dealing with a reputable site.
I have always believed that some International dating services especially small dating agencies use some kind of spamming technology which sends email to randomly selected members profiles. Incoming text letters are usually is just a “hello” text or a ladie's profile description. Be aware of this practice
Scammers are welcome: Scamming in International dating is a huge problem and all dating sites swear up and down that they fight scammers. Sure they fight with scam activity but from the other side they partially support it by accepting “questionable” profiles. It’s impossible to check every ladies address especially in larger cities.
Scams are a part of International dating and most dating agencies use scammer profiles to make their search results better. Yes they delete the profiles but then accept them again under aother nickname (read part one).
Real translation cost is not $20 per page: Some International dating services offer translation services for their clients and charge for this service by saying that translation costs in that country are about $20-40. The real cost of A4 paper sheet translation from English to Russian is about $5-10, all other costs goes to agency profit.
These are the most common techniques International dating sites use to increase their profits and you should know about them to stay safe in this dangerous online dating world.
If you are a male over thirty visit The International Man Site at and have a few laughs. We have ladies, cars, sports, helath, poker, games and don't forget to join the Forum.
American Men Marrying in Philippines
First, you must be legally married in order to petition for your spouse to immigrate to the United States. In most cases, this will mean that you will get married in the Philippines.
How do I get married in the Philippines?
STEP 1: Obtain an "Affidavit in Lieu of a Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage" at the US Embassy’s American Citizen Services Branch daily from 7:30 to 8:30 am (Room "P" on Monday, Wednesday and Friday; Window "L" Tuesday and Thursday). The US citizen should first get a red number on the wall across from Window L. The applicant must present his or her US passport. There is a fee of $55.00 or its peso equivalent in obtaining the Affidavit. It is not necessary for the fiancé/e to appear.
STEP 2: File an application for a marriage license at the office of the Philippine Civil Registrar in the town or city where one of the couple lives. In order to apply for a marriage license, you will need:
Your US passport;
The Affidavit from the US Embassy;
A divorce decree or spouse’s death certificate, if previously married;
Proof that you have informed your parents if you are 22 to 24; or
Proof of parental consent if you are 18 to 21.
STEP 3: Get married!
STEP 4: File the Petition.
After you return to the United States, you should file a petition with the nearest office of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) that covers your permanent place of residence. Petition forms for IR-1 spouse visas (Form I-130) are available from any INS office in the United States or at the US Embassy in Manila, located at Window 35 in the Immigrant Visa Unit waiting area. STEP 5: Petition Approval. INS approves the petition and sends it to the National Visa Center in New Hampshire for review of the documentation. (Note: Approval of a visa petition by the INS does not necessarily mean that a visa will be issued. ONLY A CONSULAR OFFICER AT THE EMBASSY MAY DETERMINE A PERSON’S ELIGIBILITY TO RECEIVE A VISA.).
STEP 6: The National Visa Center will send the necessary forms to the spouse and petitioner (You will be also be contacted and asked to complete the Affidavit of Support (Form I-864) and return it to the National Visa Center, which will review it for completeness)
STEP 7: The petitioner and applicant will return all required forms to the National Visa Center. NVC will then forward all of the relevant documents to the US Embassy, including your Affidavit of Support.
STEP 8: After receiving the case from the National Visa Center, the Embassy schedules an interview for the spouse with a consular officer. (It is NOT necessary for the US citizen to attend this interview).
STEP 9: The Interview! If the consul determines that the applicant is eligible to receive a visa, he/she will approve the application and direct the applicant to pay the issuance fee of $65.00 and arrange for courier delivery of the completed visa package, which will normally take 7-10 days after approval. If the consul determines that the applicant is NOT eligible, he/she will either 1) explain how the applicant can correct the problem and return for another interview or 2) will give the applicant a written explanation of the ineligibility and return the petition to the INS.
Can my spouse bring his/her children?
Yes. An IR visa allows unmarried minor children to travel to the US, either at the same time as your spouse or at a later date. However, a separate immigrant visa petition is required for each child in an IR case.
Can I file a petition if my permanent residence is in the Philippines?
Yes, you may file a petition if you live overseas. However, for an IR-1 visa, you MUST be domiciled in the United States by the time your spouse appears for a personal interview at the Embassy [NOTE: Active duty US military personnel are considered to be domiciled in the United States while serving overseas].
Are there any other requirements for filing a petition?
Yes. To petition for a spouse:
You and your spouse must have been legally free to marry at the time of marriage; and
You must be validly married under the laws of the Philippines (see above)
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How do I get married in the Philippines?
STEP 1: Obtain an "Affidavit in Lieu of a Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage" at the US Embassy’s American Citizen Services Branch daily from 7:30 to 8:30 am (Room "P" on Monday, Wednesday and Friday; Window "L" Tuesday and Thursday). The US citizen should first get a red number on the wall across from Window L. The applicant must present his or her US passport. There is a fee of $55.00 or its peso equivalent in obtaining the Affidavit. It is not necessary for the fiancé/e to appear.
STEP 2: File an application for a marriage license at the office of the Philippine Civil Registrar in the town or city where one of the couple lives. In order to apply for a marriage license, you will need:
Your US passport;
The Affidavit from the US Embassy;
A divorce decree or spouse’s death certificate, if previously married;
Proof that you have informed your parents if you are 22 to 24; or
Proof of parental consent if you are 18 to 21.
STEP 3: Get married!
STEP 4: File the Petition.
After you return to the United States, you should file a petition with the nearest office of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) that covers your permanent place of residence. Petition forms for IR-1 spouse visas (Form I-130) are available from any INS office in the United States or at the US Embassy in Manila, located at Window 35 in the Immigrant Visa Unit waiting area. STEP 5: Petition Approval. INS approves the petition and sends it to the National Visa Center in New Hampshire for review of the documentation. (Note: Approval of a visa petition by the INS does not necessarily mean that a visa will be issued. ONLY A CONSULAR OFFICER AT THE EMBASSY MAY DETERMINE A PERSON’S ELIGIBILITY TO RECEIVE A VISA.).
STEP 6: The National Visa Center will send the necessary forms to the spouse and petitioner (You will be also be contacted and asked to complete the Affidavit of Support (Form I-864) and return it to the National Visa Center, which will review it for completeness)
STEP 7: The petitioner and applicant will return all required forms to the National Visa Center. NVC will then forward all of the relevant documents to the US Embassy, including your Affidavit of Support.
STEP 8: After receiving the case from the National Visa Center, the Embassy schedules an interview for the spouse with a consular officer. (It is NOT necessary for the US citizen to attend this interview).
STEP 9: The Interview! If the consul determines that the applicant is eligible to receive a visa, he/she will approve the application and direct the applicant to pay the issuance fee of $65.00 and arrange for courier delivery of the completed visa package, which will normally take 7-10 days after approval. If the consul determines that the applicant is NOT eligible, he/she will either 1) explain how the applicant can correct the problem and return for another interview or 2) will give the applicant a written explanation of the ineligibility and return the petition to the INS.
Can my spouse bring his/her children?
Yes. An IR visa allows unmarried minor children to travel to the US, either at the same time as your spouse or at a later date. However, a separate immigrant visa petition is required for each child in an IR case.
Can I file a petition if my permanent residence is in the Philippines?
Yes, you may file a petition if you live overseas. However, for an IR-1 visa, you MUST be domiciled in the United States by the time your spouse appears for a personal interview at the Embassy [NOTE: Active duty US military personnel are considered to be domiciled in the United States while serving overseas].
Are there any other requirements for filing a petition?
Yes. To petition for a spouse:
You and your spouse must have been legally free to marry at the time of marriage; and
You must be validly married under the laws of the Philippines (see above)
Visit The International Man Site at
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Age Difference
This is by far the most sensitive subject regarding International Dating. Personally, ten years is the maximum for me but for others fifteen even twenty years is fine. Even ten seems high to me. When I read a profile that says age does not matter I immediately sound the alarms. Any women who puts 20-25 years as acceptable (my opinion) is a shark in wolf's clothing. The risk goes up over ten years.
Everything depends on your comfort level and quite frankly your maturity level. If you're searching primarily for arm candy then what difference does age make?
The older the woman is the more the possibility that she has a child or children so your level of responsibility rises. Younger women more than likely do not have children but at the same time the younger lady will want to "party" a lot more than you're used to or even capable of. If you choose the latter route then be prepared for a bumpy ride. When this process first began about fifteen years ago age was not much of a factor because the women wanted "anyone' and would choose the first guy who visited. This is no longer the case and the ladies are a lot more selective and not as willing to settle. That being the case, the opportunity to choose a "shark" or a shark choosing you based on age difference becomes all too possible.
Nonetheless, there is no litmus test, there is no formula it all depends on you. I have read the formula of half your age plus seven years...nonsense and just a crutch for men to seek much younger women. Here is my rule of thumb. What age group would you date in your home town? Then follow it in this process too. Remember one thing, when you bring her home to meet your family, children and friends will you be comfortable? If you're searching for a "prize" ask yourself if you are a prize too. In the end it all comes down to who she is and who YOU are.
Here is a poll taken by Russian women asking what age difference they prefered and searched for:
What is a reasonable age difference between Man and Woman
age difference response
0-4......................[ 17 ]..........[14.29%]
5-8......................[ 58 ]..........[48.74%]
9-12....................[ 29 ]..........[24.37%]
13-15..................[ 10 ]..........[8.40%]
>16.....................[ 5 ]........... [4.20%]
To promote fairness here is a poll done for marriages between Americans and Philippines:
First, let’s consider the results of a poll from my site that asked western husbands of Filipinas, “What is the age difference between you and your wife?” There were six possible answers (age ranges) to choose from. Here are the results (1,043 men responded):
#1. I’m 11-20 years older (25%)
#2. I’m 6-10 years older (18%)
#3: I’m 1-5 years older (17%)
#4: I’m younger than my wife (14%)
#4 (tied): I’m more than 20 years older (14%)
#5: Same age (within 12 months) (10%)
As you can see a big difference between Russian women and Filipina's
Visit The International Man Site at
Everything depends on your comfort level and quite frankly your maturity level. If you're searching primarily for arm candy then what difference does age make?
The older the woman is the more the possibility that she has a child or children so your level of responsibility rises. Younger women more than likely do not have children but at the same time the younger lady will want to "party" a lot more than you're used to or even capable of. If you choose the latter route then be prepared for a bumpy ride. When this process first began about fifteen years ago age was not much of a factor because the women wanted "anyone' and would choose the first guy who visited. This is no longer the case and the ladies are a lot more selective and not as willing to settle. That being the case, the opportunity to choose a "shark" or a shark choosing you based on age difference becomes all too possible.
Nonetheless, there is no litmus test, there is no formula it all depends on you. I have read the formula of half your age plus seven years...nonsense and just a crutch for men to seek much younger women. Here is my rule of thumb. What age group would you date in your home town? Then follow it in this process too. Remember one thing, when you bring her home to meet your family, children and friends will you be comfortable? If you're searching for a "prize" ask yourself if you are a prize too. In the end it all comes down to who she is and who YOU are.
Here is a poll taken by Russian women asking what age difference they prefered and searched for:
What is a reasonable age difference between Man and Woman
age difference response
0-4......................[ 17 ]..........[14.29%]
5-8......................[ 58 ]..........[48.74%]
9-12....................[ 29 ]..........[24.37%]
13-15..................[ 10 ]..........[8.40%]
>16.....................[ 5 ]........... [4.20%]
To promote fairness here is a poll done for marriages between Americans and Philippines:
First, let’s consider the results of a poll from my site that asked western husbands of Filipinas, “What is the age difference between you and your wife?” There were six possible answers (age ranges) to choose from. Here are the results (1,043 men responded):
#1. I’m 11-20 years older (25%)
#2. I’m 6-10 years older (18%)
#3: I’m 1-5 years older (17%)
#4: I’m younger than my wife (14%)
#4 (tied): I’m more than 20 years older (14%)
#5: Same age (within 12 months) (10%)
As you can see a big difference between Russian women and Filipina's
Visit The International Man Site at
For most couples, the fiancee visa, commonly referred to as a K1 Fiancee Visa, is the best because the success rate is almost 100%. Tourist visa applications generally have a 5% success rate but are possible if the lady can show that she has ample reason to return to her country, e.g. a child not traveling with her, assets, prior experience traveling to first world countries, a good job, and/or money in a bank in her country. Tourist visas are granted on the spot but the lady must not indicate in any way that she might get married on the trip. If you do get married, the lady must return to her home country and apply as an immigrant and this process takes 10 to 12 months. Very few ladies, however, meet the above criteria. Student visa applications have about a 50% success rate. Student visas usually take much longer because the lady must take an English test in her home country and then apply for admission to and be accepted by a U.S. university prior to applying for a student visa. In short, the fiancee visa provides the best combination of high success rate, short processing time and simplicity, and is the only visa that provides status for marriage.
What are the requirements?
You must be a US citizen. Both you and your fiancee must be free to marry. This means that if either of you has been married previously, you must be either divorced, widowed, or the marriage annulled. You must have met your fiancee in person (and have photos to prove it) within the previous two years and demonstrate your intention to marry the lady. Since she cannot obtain a visitor visa to visit the US, this means that you must go to her country or another country to meet her. Also, you, the sponsor, must have an income in excess of $20,000.00 a year.
What are my chances of success?
Both the USCIS* and the respective US Embassies rarely deny a properly prepared fiancee visa petition if both parties are eligible.
How long will it take? 4-12 months from the date of filing. This also depends on the Embassy and your state of residence. It takes about 4 weeks to 6 months for you to be approved and another 6 weeks for your fiancee's interview where she will immediately receive her visa if approved. If you do it yourself - 8 months to 1 year.
Within what time frame must the lady use the fiancee visa?
Within six months after the issue date she must arrive in the U.S. You then have 90 days after her arrival to either marry her or send her back to her home country.
Are extensions possible?
No, but the lady can return to her home country and obtain another fiancee visa. To sponsor another fiancee visa you must file another petition.
What are my responsibilities?
You must provide for her welfare while in the U.S. and her round-trip flight. By the way, a one-way ticket is the same price as a round-trip ticket.
If unsuccessful, may I sponsor another fiancee visa?
Yes, you and the lady can obtain future fiancee visas.
Do I need an immigration attorney?
If your last tax return was a joint return, if you are self-employed, if you are retired or your tax returns show uneven income over the past few years, or if you live in Hawaii or Alaska, if you or your lady have obtained a fiancee visa previously, or you just don't have time and want to have your fiancee over as soon as possible, you really need an attorney.
Should I find an immigration attorney in my home city?
Probably not. Geography is immaterial since the application goes to a regional service center for processing. You need to use an experienced attorney who specializes in fiancee visas. You don't want your application to be on-the-job training for an inexperienced attorney. Fax and FedEx and the telephone are all you need to work with the attorney.
What are the costs associated with sponsoring a fiancee visa?
If you have not already sent the necessary forms to your fiancee for completion (i.e. G-325A - Biographical Data Form), the attorney may charge a fee for secured shipment and return of these forms (approximately $90.00). Other costs are the USCIS application fee ($165.00**), your fiancee's medical exam ($100.00), the fiancee visa fee to the U.S. Embassy ($100.00), a round-trip flight to the U.S. ($500-$900 depending on the season and airline), and your fiancee's living expenses here in the U.S. $100.00 for each child's medical exam & $100.00 for each child's visa issuance fee.
Can the lady work while in the U.S. on a fiancee visa?
Yes, if at the port of entry she receives a work authorization stamp in her passport. This is up to the discretion of the immigration officer and the stamp is only valid for 90 days.
What are the requirements?
You must be a US citizen. Both you and your fiancee must be free to marry. This means that if either of you has been married previously, you must be either divorced, widowed, or the marriage annulled. You must have met your fiancee in person (and have photos to prove it) within the previous two years and demonstrate your intention to marry the lady. Since she cannot obtain a visitor visa to visit the US, this means that you must go to her country or another country to meet her. Also, you, the sponsor, must have an income in excess of $20,000.00 a year.
What are my chances of success?
Both the USCIS* and the respective US Embassies rarely deny a properly prepared fiancee visa petition if both parties are eligible.
How long will it take? 4-12 months from the date of filing. This also depends on the Embassy and your state of residence. It takes about 4 weeks to 6 months for you to be approved and another 6 weeks for your fiancee's interview where she will immediately receive her visa if approved. If you do it yourself - 8 months to 1 year.
Within what time frame must the lady use the fiancee visa?
Within six months after the issue date she must arrive in the U.S. You then have 90 days after her arrival to either marry her or send her back to her home country.
Are extensions possible?
No, but the lady can return to her home country and obtain another fiancee visa. To sponsor another fiancee visa you must file another petition.
What are my responsibilities?
You must provide for her welfare while in the U.S. and her round-trip flight. By the way, a one-way ticket is the same price as a round-trip ticket.
If unsuccessful, may I sponsor another fiancee visa?
Yes, you and the lady can obtain future fiancee visas.
Do I need an immigration attorney?
If your last tax return was a joint return, if you are self-employed, if you are retired or your tax returns show uneven income over the past few years, or if you live in Hawaii or Alaska, if you or your lady have obtained a fiancee visa previously, or you just don't have time and want to have your fiancee over as soon as possible, you really need an attorney.
Should I find an immigration attorney in my home city?
Probably not. Geography is immaterial since the application goes to a regional service center for processing. You need to use an experienced attorney who specializes in fiancee visas. You don't want your application to be on-the-job training for an inexperienced attorney. Fax and FedEx and the telephone are all you need to work with the attorney.
What are the costs associated with sponsoring a fiancee visa?
If you have not already sent the necessary forms to your fiancee for completion (i.e. G-325A - Biographical Data Form), the attorney may charge a fee for secured shipment and return of these forms (approximately $90.00). Other costs are the USCIS application fee ($165.00**), your fiancee's medical exam ($100.00), the fiancee visa fee to the U.S. Embassy ($100.00), a round-trip flight to the U.S. ($500-$900 depending on the season and airline), and your fiancee's living expenses here in the U.S. $100.00 for each child's medical exam & $100.00 for each child's visa issuance fee.
Can the lady work while in the U.S. on a fiancee visa?
Yes, if at the port of entry she receives a work authorization stamp in her passport. This is up to the discretion of the immigration officer and the stamp is only valid for 90 days.
Shengan Visa
A Schengen visa is only valid for the following countries:
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.
If the lady you are corresponding with wishes to visit with you in one of these countries she may apply as follows:
Go to the embassy of the country to which you will be visiting. Some countries such as France allow you to download an application. Unfortunately as bloggers, forum poster et al will tell you the embassy visit may be a short path to hell. Waiting in line and being asked to return tomorrow is the norm but your choices in the matter are slim so toe the line and fill out the application.
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.
If the lady you are corresponding with wishes to visit with you in one of these countries she may apply as follows:
Go to the embassy of the country to which you will be visiting. Some countries such as France allow you to download an application. Unfortunately as bloggers, forum poster et al will tell you the embassy visit may be a short path to hell. Waiting in line and being asked to return tomorrow is the norm but your choices in the matter are slim so toe the line and fill out the application.
Here is a little history tidbit for you:
Empress Katherine the Great was an extremely beautiful woman and was acclaimed for her stable of lovers. She was also, unfortunately, insanely jealous of any woman who was as beautiful or more beautiful than she. Overcome by jealous rage she often banished many of the women from St.Petersburg to cities far from the capitol. Many of these gorgeous women were relocated to cities such as Sochi, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Rostov, Yekaterinburg, Lugansk and Nikolayev. The chances are good that any lady you are writing to today is an actual descendant of one of the banished ladies.
Empress Katherine the Great was an extremely beautiful woman and was acclaimed for her stable of lovers. She was also, unfortunately, insanely jealous of any woman who was as beautiful or more beautiful than she. Overcome by jealous rage she often banished many of the women from St.Petersburg to cities far from the capitol. Many of these gorgeous women were relocated to cities such as Sochi, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Rostov, Yekaterinburg, Lugansk and Nikolayev. The chances are good that any lady you are writing to today is an actual descendant of one of the banished ladies.
Many Western men choose to build a relationship with a Filipina girl. Some even choose to marry a Filipina. But what makes Filipino women so wanted?
1. Filipina girls are renowned for their beauty.
They surely stand out among Asian women in terms of charm and femininity.
2. Filipino girls are a delight to be around because of their disposition and personality.
Since birth Filipinas are raised in a special sense of honor called Delikadesa (or Delicadeza). Delicadeza is a Spanish term which when translated in English means daintiness. It is defined as a sense of propriety, an act of being refined or delicate in tastes and manners. It is Delikadesa what gives Filipino women such admirable qualities and distinguish them from Western ladies. You will never find a proper Filipina bring shame onto herself and her family by lying, cheating, stealing, running around with different men or flunking out of school. It is one of the meanings of Delikadesa pride in doing the right thing.
3. Filipinas are understanding, patient and composed.
Most Filipina girls would never engage in a quarrel or a loud argument simply because this wouldn't suit a real Lady. They are taught to speak politely, with a gentle tone of voice. Arguing is just not acceptable, along with public criticism. This soft spoken, quiet and understanding nature of the Filipina Ladies is the desired trait that Filipinas strive towards.
4. Filipina girls are generous and naturally caring and supportive.
The common spirit of survival has united the Filipinos for centuries making generosity and loyalty towards family a time-honored tradition. The caring and supportive nature of the Filipinas is apparent in the fact that there are no booming businesses for retirement homes or orphanages in the Philippines they would never abandon a child or a member of the family in need.
5. Filipina girls believe in a one-man one-woman relationship.
Since there is no "absolute divorce" in the Philippines, Filipinas are raised in a high regard for the sanctity of marriage and consider it a life long commitment. Some, in fact many who marry these Filipina beauties, swear they make the best wives in the world loyal, loving and faithful past death.
6. Filipina women put family first before money.
Faithfulness to the family is a tradition that is characteristic of the Filipino society. To the Filipina, family will always remain a great priority. Filipino women, whom many would consider as coming from a relatively poor country, view the close loving bonds of their family as their wealth. They are more willing to sacrifice career than a family.
7. Filipinas are excellent home keepers.
Filipino ladies equate domestic responsibility with being a good wife their home is a great source of pride for them and they do their best to create a warm and loving environment for their family. For the Filipina even yelling at home would mean de-facing her home so you will probably never find a Filipina woman screaming or breaking dishes.
8. Filipinas are well educated.
The Philippine culture attaches great importance to college education. Pride in accomplishment at school is instilled in Filipinas since their childhood and female college enrollment even exceeds that of the male. This affects the social positions too. Unlike other Asian countries where women tend to be in more subservient positions, the Philippines businesses are more accepting of women performing business. This is apparent with the current Philippine president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo the second Philippine woman to hold this esteemed position.
9. Filipino girls are religious.
The Philippines is predominantly Roman Catholic (the only Christian nation in the Far East) and it is common amongst Philippine families to raise their children in the church. So don't be surprised if your Filipina girl is more devoted to her religion than you are to yours.
10. Filipina-American marriages are more successful than American-American marriages.
An interesting fact is that according to the statistics Filipina-American marriages arranged through dating services have a lower divorce rate (about 20%) than the standard American- American marriage (about 48%).
1. Filipina girls are renowned for their beauty.
They surely stand out among Asian women in terms of charm and femininity.
2. Filipino girls are a delight to be around because of their disposition and personality.
Since birth Filipinas are raised in a special sense of honor called Delikadesa (or Delicadeza). Delicadeza is a Spanish term which when translated in English means daintiness. It is defined as a sense of propriety, an act of being refined or delicate in tastes and manners. It is Delikadesa what gives Filipino women such admirable qualities and distinguish them from Western ladies. You will never find a proper Filipina bring shame onto herself and her family by lying, cheating, stealing, running around with different men or flunking out of school. It is one of the meanings of Delikadesa pride in doing the right thing.
3. Filipinas are understanding, patient and composed.
Most Filipina girls would never engage in a quarrel or a loud argument simply because this wouldn't suit a real Lady. They are taught to speak politely, with a gentle tone of voice. Arguing is just not acceptable, along with public criticism. This soft spoken, quiet and understanding nature of the Filipina Ladies is the desired trait that Filipinas strive towards.
4. Filipina girls are generous and naturally caring and supportive.
The common spirit of survival has united the Filipinos for centuries making generosity and loyalty towards family a time-honored tradition. The caring and supportive nature of the Filipinas is apparent in the fact that there are no booming businesses for retirement homes or orphanages in the Philippines they would never abandon a child or a member of the family in need.
5. Filipina girls believe in a one-man one-woman relationship.
Since there is no "absolute divorce" in the Philippines, Filipinas are raised in a high regard for the sanctity of marriage and consider it a life long commitment. Some, in fact many who marry these Filipina beauties, swear they make the best wives in the world loyal, loving and faithful past death.
6. Filipina women put family first before money.
Faithfulness to the family is a tradition that is characteristic of the Filipino society. To the Filipina, family will always remain a great priority. Filipino women, whom many would consider as coming from a relatively poor country, view the close loving bonds of their family as their wealth. They are more willing to sacrifice career than a family.
7. Filipinas are excellent home keepers.
Filipino ladies equate domestic responsibility with being a good wife their home is a great source of pride for them and they do their best to create a warm and loving environment for their family. For the Filipina even yelling at home would mean de-facing her home so you will probably never find a Filipina woman screaming or breaking dishes.
8. Filipinas are well educated.
The Philippine culture attaches great importance to college education. Pride in accomplishment at school is instilled in Filipinas since their childhood and female college enrollment even exceeds that of the male. This affects the social positions too. Unlike other Asian countries where women tend to be in more subservient positions, the Philippines businesses are more accepting of women performing business. This is apparent with the current Philippine president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo the second Philippine woman to hold this esteemed position.
9. Filipino girls are religious.
The Philippines is predominantly Roman Catholic (the only Christian nation in the Far East) and it is common amongst Philippine families to raise their children in the church. So don't be surprised if your Filipina girl is more devoted to her religion than you are to yours.
10. Filipina-American marriages are more successful than American-American marriages.
An interesting fact is that according to the statistics Filipina-American marriages arranged through dating services have a lower divorce rate (about 20%) than the standard American- American marriage (about 48%).
1.What is your height and weight? How old are you?
2. What is your hair and eye colour? How much hair do you have left?
3. Do you drink alcohol and how often? Do you get drunk?
4. Do you smoke? If yes, how often? In the house or outside?
5. Do you take drugs?
6. When is your birthday?
7. Have you been married before?
8. Do you have children? How old are they? How often do you see them? Do they live with you?
9. Are you religious? What is your religion/faith? Do you go to Church every week?
11. If we are not the same religion will you respect my need to attend my own church?
12. Do you want children in our marriage? How many?
13.ᅠ If we have children what religion will they be brought up with?
14. Do you want me to work? If I wish to find employment will you allow me to?
14. Will we be able to send a money home to my family?
15. Do you have a criminal record?
16. Do you have any hobbies?
17. Do you like sports? Which ones? Do you play any sports? How often? Do you exercise often?
18. Are you healthy? If you have any health problems, what are they?
19. What is the weather like where you live?
20. Do you live close to any of your family?
21. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Are you close to your siblings?
22. Will your family support you marrying a foreign woman?
23. Do you have any connections to former wives or girlfriends other than your children? Why?
24. What kind of movies do you like?
25. What kind of music do you like?
26. Do you own your house, or a condo or do you rent a house or condo? Or do you live with your parents?
27. What type of job do you have? How long have you had your job?
28. Are you happy with your employment?
29. Are you planning to change careers soon? Would that affect our standard of living?
30. Do you think you will succeed or advance in your present job?
31. What are your career ambitions? Would you want to own your own company? Doing what?
32. Do you have a retirement plan?
33. How much debt do you have? Include house, car, loans?
34. Do you have a University or College education? What was your major in University? Did you go to a Trade School?
35. Why are you interested in a foreign wife instead of a woman from your own country?
36. What do you know about my country? Have you ever visited and when will you visit?
37. Do you know any other girls from my country? If yes, what do you think of them? How do you know them?
38. Describe to me what you think are a wife's duties in a marriage?
39. Describe to me what you think are a husband's duties in a marriage?
40. How often would you want to revisit my country after we marry? Once a year, once every five years, etc?
41. What kind of food do you like? Can you cook?
42. Where have you traveled in the world? In your own country? What was your favourite destination?
43. Would you want or allow me to continue my education in your country?
44. In your opinion, how long should a man and a woman know each other before considering marriage? What is the shortest possible time?
45. Do you prefer marriage in my country or yours?
46. Is everything in your profile true?
47. Have you ever hit a woman?
48. What type of clothing do you wear day to day?
49. Do you like domestic animals? Do you have any pets? Do you want one?
50. Is there a community in your town with people from my country?
2. What is your hair and eye colour? How much hair do you have left?
3. Do you drink alcohol and how often? Do you get drunk?
4. Do you smoke? If yes, how often? In the house or outside?
5. Do you take drugs?
6. When is your birthday?
7. Have you been married before?
8. Do you have children? How old are they? How often do you see them? Do they live with you?
9. Are you religious? What is your religion/faith? Do you go to Church every week?
11. If we are not the same religion will you respect my need to attend my own church?
12. Do you want children in our marriage? How many?
13.ᅠ If we have children what religion will they be brought up with?
14. Do you want me to work? If I wish to find employment will you allow me to?
14. Will we be able to send a money home to my family?
15. Do you have a criminal record?
16. Do you have any hobbies?
17. Do you like sports? Which ones? Do you play any sports? How often? Do you exercise often?
18. Are you healthy? If you have any health problems, what are they?
19. What is the weather like where you live?
20. Do you live close to any of your family?
21. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Are you close to your siblings?
22. Will your family support you marrying a foreign woman?
23. Do you have any connections to former wives or girlfriends other than your children? Why?
24. What kind of movies do you like?
25. What kind of music do you like?
26. Do you own your house, or a condo or do you rent a house or condo? Or do you live with your parents?
27. What type of job do you have? How long have you had your job?
28. Are you happy with your employment?
29. Are you planning to change careers soon? Would that affect our standard of living?
30. Do you think you will succeed or advance in your present job?
31. What are your career ambitions? Would you want to own your own company? Doing what?
32. Do you have a retirement plan?
33. How much debt do you have? Include house, car, loans?
34. Do you have a University or College education? What was your major in University? Did you go to a Trade School?
35. Why are you interested in a foreign wife instead of a woman from your own country?
36. What do you know about my country? Have you ever visited and when will you visit?
37. Do you know any other girls from my country? If yes, what do you think of them? How do you know them?
38. Describe to me what you think are a wife's duties in a marriage?
39. Describe to me what you think are a husband's duties in a marriage?
40. How often would you want to revisit my country after we marry? Once a year, once every five years, etc?
41. What kind of food do you like? Can you cook?
42. Where have you traveled in the world? In your own country? What was your favourite destination?
43. Would you want or allow me to continue my education in your country?
44. In your opinion, how long should a man and a woman know each other before considering marriage? What is the shortest possible time?
45. Do you prefer marriage in my country or yours?
46. Is everything in your profile true?
47. Have you ever hit a woman?
48. What type of clothing do you wear day to day?
49. Do you like domestic animals? Do you have any pets? Do you want one?
50. Is there a community in your town with people from my country?
I want to begin this section by saying that ninety percent of all problems with this type of dating is caused by two percent of the female or male participants. These two percent are what we call scammers. This article is being written to protect you from these predators.
Here is the first simple rule to protect you from scammers. Are you ready for it?
Now there are exceptions to the rule but in general heed this advice.
Here are a few lines from well-prepared scripts that you may hear from a lady writing you. If they do appear in one of your future emails - drop her quick.
1. I can get a Visa to come meet you but it is $500. If you send it I will come to you quickly
2. My mother (father, granny, cat, dog) is sick and needs an operation. Can you help me?
3. She needs dental work because her tooth broke when eating a bad cabbage roll (whatever)
4. Golden opportunity to buy a cheap computer and that way you can continue writing to each other
5. Instead of sending me flowers send me money
Russians, Latinas, Filipinas and Asians cannot obtain Visa's easily so never fall for this ridiculous request. There are numerous agencies in Russia that have staff members writing emails for girls that left their agencies eons ago. If you want to find out about the authenticity of a girl writing to you, send her flowers and request a photo from the delivery company when the flowers are delivered.
Here is the first simple rule to protect you from scammers. Are you ready for it?
Now there are exceptions to the rule but in general heed this advice.
Here are a few lines from well-prepared scripts that you may hear from a lady writing you. If they do appear in one of your future emails - drop her quick.
1. I can get a Visa to come meet you but it is $500. If you send it I will come to you quickly
2. My mother (father, granny, cat, dog) is sick and needs an operation. Can you help me?
3. She needs dental work because her tooth broke when eating a bad cabbage roll (whatever)
4. Golden opportunity to buy a cheap computer and that way you can continue writing to each other
5. Instead of sending me flowers send me money
Russians, Latinas, Filipinas and Asians cannot obtain Visa's easily so never fall for this ridiculous request. There are numerous agencies in Russia that have staff members writing emails for girls that left their agencies eons ago. If you want to find out about the authenticity of a girl writing to you, send her flowers and request a photo from the delivery company when the flowers are delivered.
If you're going to attract someone you have to stand out above the others. You can't get a promotion at work if you don't perform better than your co-workers and the same principle works here.
1. Read her profile over and over. Look for something that stands out and comment on it. Look at her photo(s). Is there something she is wearing or something in the background that is worthy of conversation?
2. For the love of God - don't mention your salary or how big your boat is! This is a good way to attract the worst of the worst and an even better way to deflect the best of the best.
3. Do NOT go on and on about how beautiful she is, she'll think and know you are only interested in her looks.
4. Do NOT send a form letter. If you think for a minute that these ladies do not talk to each other then you are misinformed because many of them do. Write a letter based on what you read in her profile, or about her interests as well as yours.
5. Be honest. Do not make yourself out to be something you are not. The women have memories like steel traps and they will certainly catch you in any..."fabrication of the truth"
6. Do not ask too many questions especially personal questions in an introduction letter. You'll get your chance if she is interested in you.
7. Write something unique about yourself. If she writes back mentioning this "trait or characteristic" then you know she actually read your letter!
8. You cannot send mail to a lady on without a photo. Here's why - they won't reply so don't waste your time! Get a recent photo, preferably one of you nicely dressed as opposed to shorts and a tank top. Comb your hair if you've got some!
9. Keep it simple and do not fill your intro letter with five syllable million dollar words. If you're able to translate then do so but beware of online translators - what you think is legible will be gibberish in another language.
10. Include something humbling or humorous about you. If you can make her laugh...she'll write back.
1. Read her profile over and over. Look for something that stands out and comment on it. Look at her photo(s). Is there something she is wearing or something in the background that is worthy of conversation?
2. For the love of God - don't mention your salary or how big your boat is! This is a good way to attract the worst of the worst and an even better way to deflect the best of the best.
3. Do NOT go on and on about how beautiful she is, she'll think and know you are only interested in her looks.
4. Do NOT send a form letter. If you think for a minute that these ladies do not talk to each other then you are misinformed because many of them do. Write a letter based on what you read in her profile, or about her interests as well as yours.
5. Be honest. Do not make yourself out to be something you are not. The women have memories like steel traps and they will certainly catch you in any..."fabrication of the truth"
6. Do not ask too many questions especially personal questions in an introduction letter. You'll get your chance if she is interested in you.
7. Write something unique about yourself. If she writes back mentioning this "trait or characteristic" then you know she actually read your letter!
8. You cannot send mail to a lady on without a photo. Here's why - they won't reply so don't waste your time! Get a recent photo, preferably one of you nicely dressed as opposed to shorts and a tank top. Comb your hair if you've got some!
9. Keep it simple and do not fill your intro letter with five syllable million dollar words. If you're able to translate then do so but beware of online translators - what you think is legible will be gibberish in another language.
10. Include something humbling or humorous about you. If you can make her laugh...she'll write back.
Success Rate
exerpt from US Government report:
Based on these data, we may estimate that 4 percent of the 100,000 to 150,000 women seeking U.S. husbands through international services find them; that is, "mail-order bride" and e-mail correspondence services result in 4,000 to 6,000 marriages between U.S. men and foreign brides each year.
This figure, 4,000 to 6,000, represents an increase from previous estimates (e.g., the estimate of 2,000 to 3,500 given by Kadohata, 1990) due, no doubt, to the recent increase in both e-mail correspondence services and the agencies specializing in Russian and Ukrainian women.
Impact on U.S. Marriages
According to data supplied by the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 2,395,000 marriages in the U.S. in the 12 months ending June, 1997 (and 1,154,000 divorces in the same period). The 4,000 to 6,000 marriages involving international services represent, then, a tiny portion (.021 percent) of the women who marry U.S. men.
It is interesting to note that, based largely on data provided by the agencies themselves (along with the Commission on Filipinos Overseas report cited above), marriages arranged through these services would appear to have a lower divorce rate than the nation as a whole, fully 80 percent of these marriages having lasted over the years for which reports are available.
(notice the fact that 80 percent are successful to this point...quite the difference from normal statistics)
Based on these data, we may estimate that 4 percent of the 100,000 to 150,000 women seeking U.S. husbands through international services find them; that is, "mail-order bride" and e-mail correspondence services result in 4,000 to 6,000 marriages between U.S. men and foreign brides each year.
This figure, 4,000 to 6,000, represents an increase from previous estimates (e.g., the estimate of 2,000 to 3,500 given by Kadohata, 1990) due, no doubt, to the recent increase in both e-mail correspondence services and the agencies specializing in Russian and Ukrainian women.
Impact on U.S. Marriages
According to data supplied by the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 2,395,000 marriages in the U.S. in the 12 months ending June, 1997 (and 1,154,000 divorces in the same period). The 4,000 to 6,000 marriages involving international services represent, then, a tiny portion (.021 percent) of the women who marry U.S. men.
It is interesting to note that, based largely on data provided by the agencies themselves (along with the Commission on Filipinos Overseas report cited above), marriages arranged through these services would appear to have a lower divorce rate than the nation as a whole, fully 80 percent of these marriages having lasted over the years for which reports are available.
(notice the fact that 80 percent are successful to this point...quite the difference from normal statistics)
The following is an exerpt from a US report on the men who search for foreign wives:
David Jedlicka (1988, cited in Glodava and Onizuka, 1994) surveyed 607 American men seeking mail-order brides and received 206 responses. He found that the men were generally white (94 percent); highly educated (50 percent with two or more years of college, 6 percent with M.D.'s or Ph.D.'s, only five did not complete high school); politically and ideologically conservative; and generally economically and professionally successful (64 percent earned more than $20,000 a year; 42 were in professional or managerial positions). Their median age was 37. The men came from 44 states, with 22 percent from California, and 84 percent lived in metropolitan areas. Fifty-seven percent had been married at least once; most had been divorced after an average of seven years of marriage, 35 percent had at least one child, and 75 percent wished to father additional children. When asked about their religious affiliations, 48 percent of the men identified themselves as Protestant, 23 percent as Catholic, 15 percent as belonging to other religions, and 14 percent as having no religious affiliation.
Why do American men want foreign wives? Most of the personal reports from American men who have married women through these agencies talk about "traditional values." That is, American women are thought not content to be wives and mothers but seek personal satisfaction through their own careers and interests, while the foreign woman is happy to be the homemaker and asks for nothing more than husband, home, and family. Again, true or not, this is the perception.
Although Jedlicka states in his conclusions that his research shows the men who choose the mail-order methods for mate selection appear ". . . above average . . . certainly in their communication skills," and "exceptional in the sense that they are trying cross-cultural marriage to improve their chances for loving and enduring relationships," he cautions that such conclusions are thin at best and such interpretations from these data are not warranted. His experience and the observations of others show that, contrary to responses in questionnaires, those who have used the mail-order bride route to find a mate have control in mind more than a loving, enduring relationship.
Of the 30 mail-order bride couples Mila Glodava (Glodava and Onizuka, 1994) encountered between 1986 and 1993, only two were close in age (4 -6 years difference). In the other 28 there was a 20 to 50 year difference in age. Older men, says Glodava, often want women "they can mold" and therefore do not want those who are too educated. "They would just become like any other American woman," they said. She concludes that, "It is apparent that power and control are critical for the men."
It is interesting to note that the views above on native and foreign men and women are not limited to the Occident--a similar attitude exists in Taiwan. According to "Taiwan Moves to Boost Women's Marriage Prospects" (The Associated Press, Aug. 30, 1996, by Annie Huang), many Taiwanese men prefer brides from other Asian countries because they feel Taiwanese women--who tend to be better educated and more affluent--expect too much from their husbands. Due to this attitude, Taiwan has imposed a limit on the number of brides from certain countries that can enter Taiwan each year--360 from Indonesia, 420 from Burma, and 1,080 from China. On the women's side, many of them are seeking Western men since, they say, Taiwanese men want to marry only hard-working obedient drudges while Taiwanese women have discarded this traditional role and are seeking equality and mutual respect in marriage.
full url:
David Jedlicka (1988, cited in Glodava and Onizuka, 1994) surveyed 607 American men seeking mail-order brides and received 206 responses. He found that the men were generally white (94 percent); highly educated (50 percent with two or more years of college, 6 percent with M.D.'s or Ph.D.'s, only five did not complete high school); politically and ideologically conservative; and generally economically and professionally successful (64 percent earned more than $20,000 a year; 42 were in professional or managerial positions). Their median age was 37. The men came from 44 states, with 22 percent from California, and 84 percent lived in metropolitan areas. Fifty-seven percent had been married at least once; most had been divorced after an average of seven years of marriage, 35 percent had at least one child, and 75 percent wished to father additional children. When asked about their religious affiliations, 48 percent of the men identified themselves as Protestant, 23 percent as Catholic, 15 percent as belonging to other religions, and 14 percent as having no religious affiliation.
Why do American men want foreign wives? Most of the personal reports from American men who have married women through these agencies talk about "traditional values." That is, American women are thought not content to be wives and mothers but seek personal satisfaction through their own careers and interests, while the foreign woman is happy to be the homemaker and asks for nothing more than husband, home, and family. Again, true or not, this is the perception.
Although Jedlicka states in his conclusions that his research shows the men who choose the mail-order methods for mate selection appear ". . . above average . . . certainly in their communication skills," and "exceptional in the sense that they are trying cross-cultural marriage to improve their chances for loving and enduring relationships," he cautions that such conclusions are thin at best and such interpretations from these data are not warranted. His experience and the observations of others show that, contrary to responses in questionnaires, those who have used the mail-order bride route to find a mate have control in mind more than a loving, enduring relationship.
Of the 30 mail-order bride couples Mila Glodava (Glodava and Onizuka, 1994) encountered between 1986 and 1993, only two were close in age (4 -6 years difference). In the other 28 there was a 20 to 50 year difference in age. Older men, says Glodava, often want women "they can mold" and therefore do not want those who are too educated. "They would just become like any other American woman," they said. She concludes that, "It is apparent that power and control are critical for the men."
It is interesting to note that the views above on native and foreign men and women are not limited to the Occident--a similar attitude exists in Taiwan. According to "Taiwan Moves to Boost Women's Marriage Prospects" (The Associated Press, Aug. 30, 1996, by Annie Huang), many Taiwanese men prefer brides from other Asian countries because they feel Taiwanese women--who tend to be better educated and more affluent--expect too much from their husbands. Due to this attitude, Taiwan has imposed a limit on the number of brides from certain countries that can enter Taiwan each year--360 from Indonesia, 420 from Burma, and 1,080 from China. On the women's side, many of them are seeking Western men since, they say, Taiwanese men want to marry only hard-working obedient drudges while Taiwanese women have discarded this traditional role and are seeking equality and mutual respect in marriage.
full url:
The following is a report from the US government describing the women who are searching for foreign husbands:
An analysis of the listings in recent issues of five popular catalogs featuring 1,400 Asian women found that 70 percent were Filipino (despite the fact that Republic Act No. 6955 makes such listings illegal), many of whom are "in-service" as domestic workers in other countries, 16 percent Indonesian, 8 percent Thai, 2 percent Malaysian and Japanese, and 1 percent Chinese and Korean. In terms of age, 20 percent are 16-20 years of age, 41 percent are 21-25, 24 percent are 26-30, 11 percent 31-35, and just 4 percent are over the age of 35. That is, for the Asian women, 61 percent are under the age of 25. There is a large difference in ages between these Asian women and their counterparts from the former Soviet Union. For the 1,700 Soviet women listed currently by Cherry Blossoms, just 8 percent are under 20, 23 percent between 21 and 25, 25 percent between 26 and 30, 20 percent from 31 to 35, 14 percent from 36 to 40, 7 percent aged 41 to 45, and 3 percent over 45. That is, just 31 percent are under 25 compared to the 61 percent of Asian women.
Why do foreign women want American husbands? Many sources suggest that these women are searching for a "better life" in terms of socio-economic factors--they do, for the most part, come from places in which jobs and educational opportunities for women are scarce and wages are low. However, when the women themselves are asked this question, the answer generally indicates an attraction to American men (they look like movie stars) and an aversion to native men. Americans, they say, make good husbands while Filipino (Thai/Indonesian/Russian/etc.) men do not. Americans are thought to be faithful to their wives, while the native men are cruel and run around with other women. True or not, this is the perception.
full url:
An analysis of the listings in recent issues of five popular catalogs featuring 1,400 Asian women found that 70 percent were Filipino (despite the fact that Republic Act No. 6955 makes such listings illegal), many of whom are "in-service" as domestic workers in other countries, 16 percent Indonesian, 8 percent Thai, 2 percent Malaysian and Japanese, and 1 percent Chinese and Korean. In terms of age, 20 percent are 16-20 years of age, 41 percent are 21-25, 24 percent are 26-30, 11 percent 31-35, and just 4 percent are over the age of 35. That is, for the Asian women, 61 percent are under the age of 25. There is a large difference in ages between these Asian women and their counterparts from the former Soviet Union. For the 1,700 Soviet women listed currently by Cherry Blossoms, just 8 percent are under 20, 23 percent between 21 and 25, 25 percent between 26 and 30, 20 percent from 31 to 35, 14 percent from 36 to 40, 7 percent aged 41 to 45, and 3 percent over 45. That is, just 31 percent are under 25 compared to the 61 percent of Asian women.
Why do foreign women want American husbands? Many sources suggest that these women are searching for a "better life" in terms of socio-economic factors--they do, for the most part, come from places in which jobs and educational opportunities for women are scarce and wages are low. However, when the women themselves are asked this question, the answer generally indicates an attraction to American men (they look like movie stars) and an aversion to native men. Americans, they say, make good husbands while Filipino (Thai/Indonesian/Russian/etc.) men do not. Americans are thought to be faithful to their wives, while the native men are cruel and run around with other women. True or not, this is the perception.
full url:
Here is another example of how an agency will steal you blind:
(Taken from a popular discussion board and a continuation of a letter concerning a popular agency called Anastasia Please note that grammar has been corrected so text has changed for this reason only).
"However, I was shocked when I saw the amount of letters these ladies received each day. The numbers are mind-boggling. Lets just say that in one day a lady will receive enough letters to keep her busy for a month. Now Anastasia pays agencies $1.50 on every letter. Knowing these ladies cannot write to every man (on average they do write 5 to 10) and when 200 men are writing to one of these ladies it is too tempting for an agency not to write fake letters for the lady because they want the money. So 5 to 10 are letters that are written by the lady and the other 190 men are getting the fake letters from the agency. The men by far outnumber the woman on Anastasia. Also, since Anastasia picks certain ladies for their site (best of the best only allowed) I have also learned while visiting these agencies that 90% of the ladies have boyfriends locally. There is not a day that there is not a man there visiting a lady. And I mean just about every lady has a man there at all times visiting her. If you are writing to one of these ladies, trust me her letters may make you think you are the only one but you are one of 100. From what I have seen you have about a 1% chance of success with Anastasia. But just to give the little info for those who want to know. Anastasia pays $2.50 every time an agency lists a new lady on their sit and. (Note: Anastasia buys addresses from other agencies) $1.50 on every letter. $5.00 to agency for every lady who attends a tour. Also that $500 flower order with a bottle of wine; well the wine is a $10 bottle, and $25 worth of flowers. Total cost $35. Anastasia pays $70 to the agency for this order. $430 goes to Anastasia for taking the order."
Just another example gents of how we are lied to and promised the world but in reality we are just spinning our wheels and emptying our wallets. Agencies are poison.
(Taken from a popular discussion board and a continuation of a letter concerning a popular agency called Anastasia Please note that grammar has been corrected so text has changed for this reason only).
"However, I was shocked when I saw the amount of letters these ladies received each day. The numbers are mind-boggling. Lets just say that in one day a lady will receive enough letters to keep her busy for a month. Now Anastasia pays agencies $1.50 on every letter. Knowing these ladies cannot write to every man (on average they do write 5 to 10) and when 200 men are writing to one of these ladies it is too tempting for an agency not to write fake letters for the lady because they want the money. So 5 to 10 are letters that are written by the lady and the other 190 men are getting the fake letters from the agency. The men by far outnumber the woman on Anastasia. Also, since Anastasia picks certain ladies for their site (best of the best only allowed) I have also learned while visiting these agencies that 90% of the ladies have boyfriends locally. There is not a day that there is not a man there visiting a lady. And I mean just about every lady has a man there at all times visiting her. If you are writing to one of these ladies, trust me her letters may make you think you are the only one but you are one of 100. From what I have seen you have about a 1% chance of success with Anastasia. But just to give the little info for those who want to know. Anastasia pays $2.50 every time an agency lists a new lady on their sit and. (Note: Anastasia buys addresses from other agencies) $1.50 on every letter. $5.00 to agency for every lady who attends a tour. Also that $500 flower order with a bottle of wine; well the wine is a $10 bottle, and $25 worth of flowers. Total cost $35. Anastasia pays $70 to the agency for this order. $430 goes to Anastasia for taking the order."
Just another example gents of how we are lied to and promised the world but in reality we are just spinning our wheels and emptying our wallets. Agencies are poison.
Aside from charging exorbitant fees for individual addresses (or “chips” as some agencies now call their schemes) a good majority of agencies tend to be flagrant cheats. Over the last six months I have amassed a huge document of complaints from gentlemen who have spent large amounts of money only to reach a dead end. Here is a sad example that was exposed a little while ago.
“I also spent 3 days in Yalta when I visited the N--- Agency. While pulling up to the agency I saw a very familiar face (sic) "Elnara" 22yrs old long dark hair from Yalta. I saw Elnara coming out of agency where a younger man (Ukraine Native) was waiting for her outside. Elnara embraced him and kissed him on mouth (this was obviously a boyfriend) and I watched them leave together. When in the agency they were very nice and I even mentioned Elnara (they did not know I saw her leave). The lady at agency was giving me prices by the hour to meet with Elnara. Not for a meeting but by the HOUR. I thought this was odd. Well I got the whole run down on how serious a girl she was and blah, blah. Then I said I just saw her kissing another guy outside. Right away agency took the offensive and said, "Oh, she is engaged". Well I am thinking just a moment ago you were trying to charge me by the hour to meet with her. Then I asked if she was engaged then why is she still coming to the agency? Well to cut a long story short I busted this agency and was thrown out. This agency is nothing more then an escort service.
(Different Man)
I have chatted with her too on Hot Russian Brides, I knew she was up to no good. I stay way from the ladies that are always online, special in video chat. When I was over in Ukraine, the agency owner told me she gets 25% of the video chat revenue. I have come to believe that the dishonest agencies are splitting this fee with the girls. How else can they afford to be online for 8, 10, 12, sometimes 16 hours a day. When it comes to HRB, you have to pick the good, honest girls out from the video hookers.
(Well guys, if you’re still reading I decided to do my own homework and visited these 4 sites:
Guess what? She’s still there making money for these agencies!
“I also spent 3 days in Yalta when I visited the N--- Agency. While pulling up to the agency I saw a very familiar face (sic) "Elnara" 22yrs old long dark hair from Yalta. I saw Elnara coming out of agency where a younger man (Ukraine Native) was waiting for her outside. Elnara embraced him and kissed him on mouth (this was obviously a boyfriend) and I watched them leave together. When in the agency they were very nice and I even mentioned Elnara (they did not know I saw her leave). The lady at agency was giving me prices by the hour to meet with Elnara. Not for a meeting but by the HOUR. I thought this was odd. Well I got the whole run down on how serious a girl she was and blah, blah. Then I said I just saw her kissing another guy outside. Right away agency took the offensive and said, "Oh, she is engaged". Well I am thinking just a moment ago you were trying to charge me by the hour to meet with her. Then I asked if she was engaged then why is she still coming to the agency? Well to cut a long story short I busted this agency and was thrown out. This agency is nothing more then an escort service.
(Different Man)
I have chatted with her too on Hot Russian Brides, I knew she was up to no good. I stay way from the ladies that are always online, special in video chat. When I was over in Ukraine, the agency owner told me she gets 25% of the video chat revenue. I have come to believe that the dishonest agencies are splitting this fee with the girls. How else can they afford to be online for 8, 10, 12, sometimes 16 hours a day. When it comes to HRB, you have to pick the good, honest girls out from the video hookers.
(Well guys, if you’re still reading I decided to do my own homework and visited these 4 sites:
Guess what? She’s still there making money for these agencies!
Friday, April 14, 2006
The Stigma
While searching for any mate in another country you will encounter people who believe you to be one hell of a loser. Don’t shy away from this, it’s going to happen and you will have to make a stand. One of the greatest answers I ever heard as to why a man traveled to Ukraine to find his wife is as follows:
“I joined a local dating site and after several bad dates I decided to expand my boundaries.”
I heard this about three years ago and I still believe it to be the most unique answer that basically stops any further negative questions from those that may wish to demean you.
The terminology Mail Order Bride may never go away. When acquaintances see you with your brand new foreign wife they will immediately equate that you “paid” money to have a woman sent you. Don’t be mad at them, they haven’t a clue. Ladies from the Former Soviet Union, for instance, are some of the highest educated women in the world per capita. Ninety percent of these women have a university degree – no, that is not an exaggeration, it is actually ninety percent. The same applies to Philippine women and Japanese women. So given this figure, calling any of these women Mail Order Brides (MOB) is ignorant and nothing less. Most of the men who search the agencies are well aware that the women they are writing to are not wallflowers.
There is an argument when speaking of Latin speaking women especially with U.S. men. There is an abundance of Spanish (and Portuguese) speaking women in many metropolitan cities and there could be a case in asking, “Why don’t you find a lady in your hometown with the same characteristics?” Again, my answer would be that I am expanding my boundaries.
The stigma attached won’t disappear until this type of dating becomes mainstream so until it does you will have to stand tall and brag about your new wife. In most instances once others meet your wife they may ask you what site you joined in order to meet her.
“I joined a local dating site and after several bad dates I decided to expand my boundaries.”
I heard this about three years ago and I still believe it to be the most unique answer that basically stops any further negative questions from those that may wish to demean you.
The terminology Mail Order Bride may never go away. When acquaintances see you with your brand new foreign wife they will immediately equate that you “paid” money to have a woman sent you. Don’t be mad at them, they haven’t a clue. Ladies from the Former Soviet Union, for instance, are some of the highest educated women in the world per capita. Ninety percent of these women have a university degree – no, that is not an exaggeration, it is actually ninety percent. The same applies to Philippine women and Japanese women. So given this figure, calling any of these women Mail Order Brides (MOB) is ignorant and nothing less. Most of the men who search the agencies are well aware that the women they are writing to are not wallflowers.
There is an argument when speaking of Latin speaking women especially with U.S. men. There is an abundance of Spanish (and Portuguese) speaking women in many metropolitan cities and there could be a case in asking, “Why don’t you find a lady in your hometown with the same characteristics?” Again, my answer would be that I am expanding my boundaries.
The stigma attached won’t disappear until this type of dating becomes mainstream so until it does you will have to stand tall and brag about your new wife. In most instances once others meet your wife they may ask you what site you joined in order to meet her.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Why Do Men Join International Dating Agencies
Take a couple of hours and do a search for Russian Women or Latin Women on any Search Engine. You will be greeted by literally hundreds of pages of dating agencies and/or dating sites proclaiming to be the best in the business. Each agency will highlight the magnificent qualities of their women stating that they are born and raised to be gentle, loving wives and that they take pride in how they look each and every day. After raising your interests the agency will carefully slide in the not so appealing jab against western women just to further your absolute need to use their services.
Now really…did you fall for that? Well I know I did temporarily. Damn, I fell for it hook, line and sinker. The question to be asked is why? What possesses a man to search for a woman thousands of miles away? Here is my take on this process.
There is nothing wrong with the women in your community, city or country, nothing at all. You may want to build up a case against what I have just said but in the end all you’re doing is spinning your wheels. The difference between most women in our western world and women featured on International Dating sites is that the opportunity to feel like a hero is less likely. Sounds harsh eh? Well it’s bull I was just testing you.
There are magnificent women here and there are magnificent women in the FSU (Former Soviet Union) and South America, Asia and so on. I do not or will not agree with anyone who says that all western women are psychos or feminazi’s. It’s absurd and a reasonable person will smile at such accusations and walk away before getting sucked into a long-winded rant. Nonetheless, the argument for “women are women” is valid but only to a certain point. Cultural differences, genetics and geography all play a huge role in how a person will look and act.
How many dark haired, dark eyed women are you going to encounter in downtown London, Toronto or Kansas City? How about FSU women with their high cheekbones and long legs – they are not very prevalent in downtown Iowa. The attitude – not personality – of any human is directly related to their past and present environment. This is nothing new to any of us and when speaking of this type of dating it makes all the difference in the world. Foreign women from these countries have been exposed to more hardships than our average western women and their attitudes towards marriage and western men are not as tainted. Truth is that these women want to marry westerners, they dream of marrying a western man and living in our countries. Our women, on the other hand, are exactly like us – they take our lifestyle for granted and they want what the next-door neighbor has. That doesn’t make them bad people, if anything it makes them just like this.
In my opinion we seek beauty and for many of us the beautiful women in our hometown have full date books. The women on the International dating sites are beautiful and available and this presents an impassable opportunity. I say go for it.
Now really…did you fall for that? Well I know I did temporarily. Damn, I fell for it hook, line and sinker. The question to be asked is why? What possesses a man to search for a woman thousands of miles away? Here is my take on this process.
There is nothing wrong with the women in your community, city or country, nothing at all. You may want to build up a case against what I have just said but in the end all you’re doing is spinning your wheels. The difference between most women in our western world and women featured on International Dating sites is that the opportunity to feel like a hero is less likely. Sounds harsh eh? Well it’s bull I was just testing you.
There are magnificent women here and there are magnificent women in the FSU (Former Soviet Union) and South America, Asia and so on. I do not or will not agree with anyone who says that all western women are psychos or feminazi’s. It’s absurd and a reasonable person will smile at such accusations and walk away before getting sucked into a long-winded rant. Nonetheless, the argument for “women are women” is valid but only to a certain point. Cultural differences, genetics and geography all play a huge role in how a person will look and act.
How many dark haired, dark eyed women are you going to encounter in downtown London, Toronto or Kansas City? How about FSU women with their high cheekbones and long legs – they are not very prevalent in downtown Iowa. The attitude – not personality – of any human is directly related to their past and present environment. This is nothing new to any of us and when speaking of this type of dating it makes all the difference in the world. Foreign women from these countries have been exposed to more hardships than our average western women and their attitudes towards marriage and western men are not as tainted. Truth is that these women want to marry westerners, they dream of marrying a western man and living in our countries. Our women, on the other hand, are exactly like us – they take our lifestyle for granted and they want what the next-door neighbor has. That doesn’t make them bad people, if anything it makes them just like this.
In my opinion we seek beauty and for many of us the beautiful women in our hometown have full date books. The women on the International dating sites are beautiful and available and this presents an impassable opportunity. I say go for it.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hi Everyone,
This week my book named "Goodbye American Woman" was released across North America. It is presently only available via the internet but will or should be in bookstores the first week of June. I anticipate a bit of backlash from a specific segment of the population but what everyone should understand the book was written with a tongue in cheek attitude and for the most part the novel is simply a funny romance.
The story revolves around a businessman who reluctantly flies to Moscow and while there falls hopelessly in love with a beautiful Russian woman. In between the romance the businessman is introduced to the fascinating, exciting yet indifferent world of International dating.
The characters in this book are composites of several different men that I either met or read about on the numerous discussion boards that are alive and well on the Internet. Some of these men are what I would consider out in left field but the majority are good, hardworking westerners who dream of marrying the "perfect" woman.
This blog will be dedicated to these men and to whomever wishes to learn more about the mysterious and somewhat ludicrous process of finding the perfect mate outside western borders. Enjoy and never be shy to share your opinion.
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