While searching for any mate in another country you will encounter people who believe you to be one hell of a loser. Don’t shy away from this, it’s going to happen and you will have to make a stand. One of the greatest answers I ever heard as to why a man traveled to Ukraine to find his wife is as follows:
“I joined a local dating site and after several bad dates I decided to expand my boundaries.”
I heard this about three years ago and I still believe it to be the most unique answer that basically stops any further negative questions from those that may wish to demean you.
The terminology Mail Order Bride may never go away. When acquaintances see you with your brand new foreign wife they will immediately equate that you “paid” money to have a woman sent you. Don’t be mad at them, they haven’t a clue. Ladies from the Former Soviet Union, for instance, are some of the highest educated women in the world per capita. Ninety percent of these women have a university degree – no, that is not an exaggeration, it is actually ninety percent. The same applies to Philippine women and Japanese women. So given this figure, calling any of these women Mail Order Brides (MOB) is ignorant and nothing less. Most of the men who search the agencies are well aware that the women they are writing to are not wallflowers.
There is an argument when speaking of Latin speaking women especially with U.S. men. There is an abundance of Spanish (and Portuguese) speaking women in many metropolitan cities and there could be a case in asking, “Why don’t you find a lady in your hometown with the same characteristics?” Again, my answer would be that I am expanding my boundaries.
The stigma attached won’t disappear until this type of dating becomes mainstream so until it does you will have to stand tall and brag about your new wife. In most instances once others meet your wife they may ask you what site you joined in order to meet her.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Why Do Men Join International Dating Agencies
Take a couple of hours and do a search for Russian Women or Latin Women on any Search Engine. You will be greeted by literally hundreds of pages of dating agencies and/or dating sites proclaiming to be the best in the business. Each agency will highlight the magnificent qualities of their women stating that they are born and raised to be gentle, loving wives and that they take pride in how they look each and every day. After raising your interests the agency will carefully slide in the not so appealing jab against western women just to further your absolute need to use their services.
Now really…did you fall for that? Well I know I did temporarily. Damn, I fell for it hook, line and sinker. The question to be asked is why? What possesses a man to search for a woman thousands of miles away? Here is my take on this process.
There is nothing wrong with the women in your community, city or country, nothing at all. You may want to build up a case against what I have just said but in the end all you’re doing is spinning your wheels. The difference between most women in our western world and women featured on International Dating sites is that the opportunity to feel like a hero is less likely. Sounds harsh eh? Well it’s bull I was just testing you.
There are magnificent women here and there are magnificent women in the FSU (Former Soviet Union) and South America, Asia and so on. I do not or will not agree with anyone who says that all western women are psychos or feminazi’s. It’s absurd and a reasonable person will smile at such accusations and walk away before getting sucked into a long-winded rant. Nonetheless, the argument for “women are women” is valid but only to a certain point. Cultural differences, genetics and geography all play a huge role in how a person will look and act.
How many dark haired, dark eyed women are you going to encounter in downtown London, Toronto or Kansas City? How about FSU women with their high cheekbones and long legs – they are not very prevalent in downtown Iowa. The attitude – not personality – of any human is directly related to their past and present environment. This is nothing new to any of us and when speaking of this type of dating it makes all the difference in the world. Foreign women from these countries have been exposed to more hardships than our average western women and their attitudes towards marriage and western men are not as tainted. Truth is that these women want to marry westerners, they dream of marrying a western man and living in our countries. Our women, on the other hand, are exactly like us – they take our lifestyle for granted and they want what the next-door neighbor has. That doesn’t make them bad people, if anything it makes them just like this.
In my opinion we seek beauty and for many of us the beautiful women in our hometown have full date books. The women on the International dating sites are beautiful and available and this presents an impassable opportunity. I say go for it.
Now really…did you fall for that? Well I know I did temporarily. Damn, I fell for it hook, line and sinker. The question to be asked is why? What possesses a man to search for a woman thousands of miles away? Here is my take on this process.
There is nothing wrong with the women in your community, city or country, nothing at all. You may want to build up a case against what I have just said but in the end all you’re doing is spinning your wheels. The difference between most women in our western world and women featured on International Dating sites is that the opportunity to feel like a hero is less likely. Sounds harsh eh? Well it’s bull I was just testing you.
There are magnificent women here and there are magnificent women in the FSU (Former Soviet Union) and South America, Asia and so on. I do not or will not agree with anyone who says that all western women are psychos or feminazi’s. It’s absurd and a reasonable person will smile at such accusations and walk away before getting sucked into a long-winded rant. Nonetheless, the argument for “women are women” is valid but only to a certain point. Cultural differences, genetics and geography all play a huge role in how a person will look and act.
How many dark haired, dark eyed women are you going to encounter in downtown London, Toronto or Kansas City? How about FSU women with their high cheekbones and long legs – they are not very prevalent in downtown Iowa. The attitude – not personality – of any human is directly related to their past and present environment. This is nothing new to any of us and when speaking of this type of dating it makes all the difference in the world. Foreign women from these countries have been exposed to more hardships than our average western women and their attitudes towards marriage and western men are not as tainted. Truth is that these women want to marry westerners, they dream of marrying a western man and living in our countries. Our women, on the other hand, are exactly like us – they take our lifestyle for granted and they want what the next-door neighbor has. That doesn’t make them bad people, if anything it makes them just like this.
In my opinion we seek beauty and for many of us the beautiful women in our hometown have full date books. The women on the International dating sites are beautiful and available and this presents an impassable opportunity. I say go for it.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hi Everyone,
This week my book named "Goodbye American Woman" was released across North America. It is presently only available via the internet but will or should be in bookstores the first week of June. I anticipate a bit of backlash from a specific segment of the population but what everyone should understand the book was written with a tongue in cheek attitude and for the most part the novel is simply a funny romance.
The story revolves around a businessman who reluctantly flies to Moscow and while there falls hopelessly in love with a beautiful Russian woman. In between the romance the businessman is introduced to the fascinating, exciting yet indifferent world of International dating.
The characters in this book are composites of several different men that I either met or read about on the numerous discussion boards that are alive and well on the Internet. Some of these men are what I would consider out in left field but the majority are good, hardworking westerners who dream of marrying the "perfect" woman.
This blog will be dedicated to these men and to whomever wishes to learn more about the mysterious and somewhat ludicrous process of finding the perfect mate outside western borders. Enjoy and never be shy to share your opinion.
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